Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Google Search A-OK!

On May 10th the John Battelle's Searchblog pointed out a article where a Judge OKs Google Search. This article basically stated that in the court of law a judge official ruled that it was OK for employers to use Google as a background check on future or current employees. In this case a man got fired for a simple Google search performed by the HR department. The judge ruled that "the internet shouldn't get singled out for special treatment, and that it should be considered as any other research source." So for all of us out perform daily Google searches on yourself and make sure you have a clean record both on and off the internet. I recently experienced something like this where employers had admitted to checking out my facebook profile, however due to the fact I use the proper security features on facebook they were unable to find any discriminating pictures or information about myself that I wouldnt want any other "Joe Schmo" on the street to know.

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