Monday, March 5, 2007

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

After class when we spoke of "Vanity Searches" where you search for yourself on Google, and I made the comment of doin such a thing in my previous class, where I then preceded to perhaps insult my main man Professor Brown with my comments about the professors from the other class :-) Sorry for that by the way big guy your the BEST and I too love Barbaro. Anyways back to the vanity serach, looking at Google the same results came up as before, a Dr. Stephen Ward Associate Professor of Journalism Ethics as well as many more, it was not until later pages that I found some articles on myself for high school sports from my hometown newspaper. Going to individual sites and searching myself though did create more buzz such as "Webshots" where I came across some pictures of both myself and my brother, who goes to Northeastern University, that I have never seen before. With everyone now having their own homepages and profiles on both Myspace and Facebook it should be easy to find yourself on a simple search on I advise everyone to do so and see what develops from a simple google action...Enjoy

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